I have a great deal of expertise in administration, which entails taking care of the tasks required for a workplace or school functioning successfully. I boost both efficiency and morale through taking care of every aspect related to managing a business and school, providing indispensable support to staff members, as well as assisting with the administration of both. I am involved with virtually every component of a working or educational setting, and I have many reputable sources of knowledge.
Area of Expertise
Administration, Editing, Accounts, Sales
Experience & Availability
International Experience:
10 or 20 hours a week
Years Experience:
Current and Previous Roles:
Relevant Experience
Job Title: Office Manager and Sales Representative
Duration: 18
Key Responsibilities: Client Liaison
Call and Email Queries
Editing and Proof Reading
Data Capturing
Daily Office Maintenance
Running Errands
Updating Social Media Accounts
Events Co-Ordinator.
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