
RooCruit Candidate:


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About the Candidate

Accomplished web designer & front-end developer with extensive experience building WordPress driven websites, HTML5, CSS3 and various web scripting technologies, web standards and project management.

Area of Expertise

In-depth knowledge of various PPC platforms, including Google Ads, Bing Ads, and Facebook Ads Proven experience in managing large-scale PPC campaigns with budgets exceeding $2000 to 10,000 per month Strong analytical skills and the ability to make data-driven decisions Excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams Experience in using various PPC tools, such as Google Tag Manager, Data Studio and SEMRush Good knowledge of Excel, able to produce complex reports

Experience & Availability

International Experience:



10, 20 or 40 hours a week

Years Experience:


Current and Previous Roles:

Relevant Experience

Job Title: Senior Web Developer

Duration: 9

Key Responsibilities: Landing page conversion optimization expert

Digital Marketing

Search Marketing

Keyword Research

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Ad Copywriting

Launching and optimizing PPC campaigns

Develop new campaigns

Monitor budget and adjust bids to gain better ROI

Landing Pages

Graphic Design

Logo Design

Layout Design



Custom Theme Development

Tools used: Joomla, OpenCart, CorePHP, PSD to HTML, Bootstrap, SEO, Web Analytics, Custom Facebook Pages, Website Project Management, Javascript.

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