
RooCruit Candidate:


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About the Candidate

My written work has been published on top websites like Business Insider, Forbes, Inc. and Social Media Examiner. I was mentored by a top quality content marketer. Increased a client’s IT end-user customer satisfaction survey response rate by 99.5%, enduser satisfaction by 40%, end-user loyalty by more than 96.30% in less than 2 years. Developed the only comprehensive IT customer service experience improvement strategy in SA which I was paid for by the client as it was considered a radically innovative idea.

Area of Expertise

Content marketing strategy, content production & content marketing loop, On-page search engine optimization,Social media strategy & management (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter), Customer experience, Canva graphic design, Public relations

Experience & Availability

International Experience:



10, 20 or 40 hours a week

Years Experience:


Current and Previous Roles:

Relevant Experience

Job Title: Content strategy and production

Duration: 25

Key Responsibilities: SEO



Problem solving


Project management

Digital marketing


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